it was a no bones, bones kinda day
(and if you don’t get that reference, you should definitely look it up)
its days like today that I know my grandma is proud of me
it’s days like today that I really wish calls to heaven were possible
days like today are filled with stories that I wish could be shared with my grandma
days like today are fueled with humble laughter, self humility, and bright eyes
days like today are overflowing with praises sung to God as He proves his faithfulness to me once again
days like today are filled with appreciation for the strong women in my life that have demonstrated daily Christ-like care despite their external circumstances
days like today are spent reflecting on the growth the Lord has provided
days like today are spent in remembrance of the little boy with a broken arm at summer camp that completely changed the direction of my heart and my career choice
days like today are spent in absolute awe of the fact that I get the privilege to serve a God who daily works to bind and mold my heart to His
days like today are spent remembering that even in times I feel inadequate, God is still equipping and leading me to become the woman he desires me to be
days like today serve as a reminder that sometimes feelings of complacency for our current situations are followed by certainty that you are right where God has called you to be
all of this to say, despite a pug on tiktok declaring today a “no bones” day, I in fact, declare it a “bones day”
thank you for coming to my TED Talk